Meno-Eze Tablets


Meno-Eze Tablets 

Vitex’s Meno-eze tablets are a well formulated blend of herbal ingredients that provide safe and optimal relief from menopausal syndrome. This remarkable nutritional supplement has been developed from extensive medical research and contains a synergistic blend of herb extracts that have been traditionally used by women worldwide. All ingredients are natural and manage debilitating symptoms such as hot flushes, mild irritability and anxiety which are common consequences of menopausal syndrome. The most prominent of these ingredients is Soya beans. Soya beans are unique among beans because they contain compounds called isoflavones. Because these molecules have structures very similar to the body’s natural estrogens, major research efforts are directed at understanding what isoflavones do in our bodies. Estrogens are hormones that our bodies make and require for normal growth and development, and to maintain good adult health not only in women, but also in men. For women faced with menopause (and loss of estrogens) soya bean provides a nutritional source to replace them, thereby maintaining hormonal balance.

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